MicroNations Fandom

Nyclonese is a constructed language (conglang) based upon English and Finnish. With significant influences of Esperanto and Sanskrit. Grammar was initially completed on 2nd February 2013. Then Language was expanded further. It shows a significant Indo-European influence while being a Uralic language. Devanagari Alphabet is used to write it.


Letter IPA Letter IPA
a [a] aa [æ]
i [i] ii [i:]
u [u] ü [y]
e [e] ä [ä]
o/å [o:] ö [ö]

Letter IPA Letter IPA Letter IPA Letter IPA Letter IPA
k [k] kh [kʰ] g [g] gh [gʱ] ŋ [ŋ]
[c] q [q] ǵ [ɟ] ǵh [ɟʱ] ñ [ɲ]
t [t] th [tʰ] d [d] dh [dʱ] n [n]
p [p] ph [pʰ] b [b] bh [bʱ] m [m]
j [j] r [r] l [l] w [ʋ] f [f]
sj [ɕ] sz [ʂ] s [s] z [z] h [ɦ]

Some Properties[]

  • Nyclonese uses Adjectives and Adjeverbs.
  • Substantives have 3 genders, but you can allways speak Nyclonese without Genders. Feminine e-, Masculine o- & Inter i-.
  • Nyclonese has also 2 other Gender for Objectives only, Abiotic y- (Unliving) and Biotic u- (Living).
  • All words can be Verbs, Subjects and Objects etc...
  • Basic forms of Subjects end with -o (o)
  • Basic forms of Verbs end with -a
  • Basic forms of Objects end with -e


Nyclonese language is a mixture of Finnish and English languages, with little piece of Esperanto in it also.

it is Indo-Uralic conglang, created by Nico Fors with help of Robert Garside and Harshvardhan Rawlot.  


Personal Pronouns[]

Personal Pronouns come after verbs usually with the Personal ending of the verb.

I/Me Men
You (singular) Yut
He/She Hän
We Wem
You (plural) Yute
They (person) Thei
They/Those (object) Ne
It/That Se

Relative Pronouns[]

Singular Plural
which tia titka
who goia gotka
that tioa tiotka
what mikä mitkä


There are two important elements in the study of the Nyclonese verb:

  1. function — the different types of information conveyed by specific forms of the verb
  2. morphology — how the different forms of the verb are constructed


The verbal forms may be illustrated with the root lov- (love): A verb can be made emphatic with the particle  (en:indeed fi:kyllä): lovo men jå  (I do love), lova men jå (I did love)

lovmaan (to love)

lovt (loves, is loving)
lovi (was loving)
love (shall love, will love)
te lovö (love!; a command)
lov (was going yo love)


Verbs have both personal ending, and personal pronoun. to be 

In Nyclonese you would say  "I laughed" like, "laufa men"

Men is Me and when you add -a to the end of the verb before you get the past form of the verb, in 1st person, and in singular.

(table in indicative) ending, now ending, future ending, past Out of Time
I/Me -a -aa -ai
You (singular) -e -ee -ae -eo
He/She/It -i -ii -ie -iu
We -o -oo -oy
You (plural) -u -uu -ue -ua
They -y -yy -ye -ye
Passive -ri -rii -li -lii

Example: Laugh=Laf

lafaa (l will laugh)
lafä (I laughed)
lafa (I laugh)
lafe (You laugh-singular)
lafee (You will laugh)
lafae (You laughed)
Lafi (She/He laughs)
Lafii (She/He will laugh)
Lafie (She/He laughed)
Lafo (We laugh)
Lafoo (We will laugh)
Lafö (We laughed)
Lafu (You laugh -plural)
Lafuu (You will laugh)
Lafue (You laughed)
Lafy (They laugh)
Lafyy (They will laugh)
Lafye (They laughed)
Lafri (laughing)
Lafrii (will laugh)
Lafli (laughed)

Commands []

You can form a command verb/clause by adding the word te- before the verb.


Imperatives can be either orders (if te- added before the word) or they can be conditionals (if -isin added after the word)


  • go= mennä
  • tego= mene! 


You can form a question by adding ko before the verb.

Negative Verb[]

Negative verbs are formed by adding the correct prefix from below.

In Nyclonese negative verb can show you the person, and time form (now, future, past)

The Out of Time form is working as Suffix, whileall the other forms work as Prefix.

Na=No ending, now ending, future ending, past Out of time
I/Me naa- nas- nan- -an
You (singular) nae- nes- nen- -en
He/She/It nai- nis- nin- -in
We nao- nos- non- -on
You (plural) nau- nus- nun- -un
They nay- nys- nyn- -yn
Passive n- ñ- ng- -m


In Nyclonese Adjeverbs replace Adjectives, example, instead of sayind the wall is red, we would say the wall is redding.

And the wall is redding is "Is å valo redding.


The conditional mood is used for such expressions as If voiso men, vuda goisin men  (if I could, I would go) and If olloisin men yut, goisin men (if I were you, I'd go).

The Verbal paradigm[]

in s1st pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -dan -nan -aa ba- -aba
Present -den -nen
Future -daman -namaan

in s2nd pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -din -nin -ee de-


Present -don -non
Future -demen -nemen

in s3rd pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -dun -nun -ii fi- -ifi
Present -dyn -nyn
Future -dimin -nimin

in p1st pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -dän -nän -oo go- -ogo
Present -dön -nön
Future -domon -nomon

in p2nd pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -daan -naan -uu hu- -uhu
Present -diin -niin
Future -dumun -numun

in p3rd pers. Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -drin -rin -yy jy- -yjy
Present -driin -riin
Future -dymyn -nymyn

Passive Indicative Potential Infinitive Imperative Conditional
Past -ab -og -ää -k
Present -ed -uh
Future -if -yj


Conjugation of the verb to be = ii

Indicative, Potential, Imperative, Infinitive & Conditional[]

preesens (current)
person positive negative
me/I iiden naa'iiden
you iidon nae'iidon
he/she iidyn nai'iidyn
we iidön nao'iidön
you iidiin nau'iidiin
they iidriin nay'iidriin
passive ii'ed nii'ed
Preterite (past)
person positive negative
me/I iidan naniidan
you iidin neniidin
he/she iidun niniidun
we iidän noniidän
you iidaan nuniidaan
they iidrin nyniidrin
passive ii'ab ngii'ab
person positive negative
me/I iidaman nasiidaman
you iidemen nesiidemen
he/she iidimin nisiidimin
we iidomon nosiidomon
you iidumun nusiidumun
they iidymyn nysiidymyn
passive ii'if ñii'if
Preterite (past) Presens Future
person Positive Negative person Positive Negative Person Positive Negative
me/I iinan naniinan me/I iinen naa'iinen Me/I iinaman nasiinaman
you iinin neniinin you iinon nae'iinon You iinemen nesiinemen
he/she iinun niniinun he/she iinyn nai'iinyn He/She iinimin nisiinimin
we iinän noniinän we iinön nao'iinön We iinomon nosiinomon
you iinaan nuiinaan you iiniin nau'iiniin You iinumun nusiinumun
they iirin nyniirin they iiriin nay'iiriin They iinymyn nysiinymyn
Passive ii'og ngii'og Passive ii'uh nii'uh Passive ii'yj ñii'yj
preterite preesens future
person positive negative person positive negative person positive negative
me/I iiba naniiba me/I iiba naa'iiba me/I iiba nasiiba
you iide neniide you iide nae'iide you iide nesiide
he/she iifi niniifi he/she iifi nai'iifi he/she iifi nisiifi
we iigo noniigo we iigo nao'iigo we iigo nosiigo
you iihu nuniihu you iihu nau'iihu you iihu nusiihu
they iijy nyniijy they iijy nay'iijy they iijy nysiijy
passive ii'ö ngii'ö passive ii'ö nii'ö passive ii'ö ñii'ö
preterite preesens future
person positive negative person positive negative person positive negative
me/I ii'aa nanii'a me/I ii'aa naa'ii'a me/I ii'aa nasii'a
you ii'ee nenii'e you ii'ee nae'ii'e you ii'ee nesii'e
he/she ii'ii ninii'i he/she ii'ii nai'ii'i he/she ii'ii nisii'i
we ii'oo nonii'o we ii'oo nao'ii'o we ii'oo nosii'o
you ii'uu nunii'u you ii'uu nau'ii'u you ii'uu nusii'u
they ii'yy nynii'y they ii'yy nay'ii'y they ii'yy nysii'y
passive ii'ää ngii'ää passive ii'ää nii'ää passive ii'ää ñii'ää
preterite preesens future
person positive negative person positive negative person positive negative
me/I ii'aba nanii'aba me/I ii'aba naa'ii'aba me/I ii'aba nasii'aba
you ii'ede nenii'ede you ii'ede nae'ii'ede you ii'ede nesii'ede
he/she ii'ifi ninii'ifi he/she ii'ifi nai'ii'ifi he/she ii'ifi nisii'ifi
we ii'ogo nonii'ogo we ii'ogo nao'ii'ogo we ii'ogo nosii'ogo
you ii'uhu nunii'uhu you ii'uhu nau'ii'uhu you ii'uhu nusii'uhu
they ii'yjy nynii'yjy they ii'yjy nay'ii'yjy they ii'yjy nysii'yjy
passive iik ngiik passive iik niik passive iik ñiik

Nominale forms[]

infinitive adjeverb
active passive plural active passive plural
I (va) ii ii'ava iiva presens (vä) iivä ii'ä iiv
long I (xeen) iixeen ii'axeen ii'ixeen perfect (ut) iiut ii'u iit
II (taessa) inessive iissa iitaessa'a ii'issa agent (ma) iima ii'a iim
instruktive iile iitaessale iinii'in negative agent (maton) iimaton ii'o iin
III (ma) elative iista iimasta ii'ista
illative ii'aan iima'an ii'iin
adessive iilla iimala ii'illa
abessive iitta iimata ii'itta
IV (tava) nominative iiur iitavaur iiurt
partitive ii'aa iitava'a ii'ita
V  (tu) Infinitive iimaisillaan  iitu ii'alle



Nominative is the name case of Substantives, Adjeverbs, Pronomines & Numerals.

In Nyclonese nominative is only used in to answer questions, Who? (person, singular), What?(object,singular), Who? (person, plural), What (object,plural), What kind of?(person, Adjeverb) & What kind of? (object, Adjeverb).

Ending for nominative is -u, plural ending is -urt.

Example: word clokc (κλωκω,root of the word is κλωκ)

κλωκωoρ= clock

κλωκωoρτ= clocks


Διδι חᾱvor σε = He did it

Διδατ θηιחεoρτ σε = They did it


Ρηδιvγoρ μoρωoρ= Redding wall

Ρηδιvγoρ μoρωoρτ= Redding walls

Πωvιvγoρ חηvωoρ= Nice  person

Πωvιvγoρ חηvωoρτ= Nice persons


Genetive explains whose some object or thing is.

Singular genetive ends to -ten & plural genetive ends to -den.

Example: word Apple (Μιλω)

  • Μιλω - Μιλωτηv - Μιλωδηv = Apple - Apples (singular) - Apples (plural)

And in Finnish = Omena -Omenan- Omenoiden


Partitive pictures unkown amount of something.

for singular you add the ending -aa and for plural -ita

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωαα =Apple (fi: Omenaa)

Μιλωιτα = Apples (fi: Omenoita)


Inessive explains location in somewhere or inside something, and answers to the question where?

In Nyclonese language there is no word in, but its replaced by the ending of the word.

Singular Inessive ends to -ssa & Plural one ends to -issa

Example: in Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωσσα = in the Apple (fi:Omenassa)

Μιλωισσα = in the Apples (fi:Omenoissa)


Elative explains moving out from somewhere.

It is very common in Uralic languages.

Singular elative ends with -sta and plural with -ista

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωστα= from Apple (fi:Omenasta)

Μιλωιστα= from Apples (fi:Omenoista)


Illative explains moving in somewhere,

Singular ending of illative is -aan & plural -iin

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωααv = into Apple (fi:Omenaan)

Μιλωιιv = into Apples (fi:Omeniin)


Adessive explains location on top of something, on some surface or close to something.

Singular adessive ends to -lla and plural one ends to -illa

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωλλα = on top of  Apple (fi:Omenaan)

Μιλωιλλα = on top of Apples (fi:Omeniin)


Ablative explains movement away from some surface or away from something.

Singular ablative ends to -lta and plural to -ilta

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωλτα = away from  Apple (fi:Omenalta)

Μιλωιλτα = away from Apples (fi:Omenoilta)


Allative explains movement in top of something or close to something.

Singular allative ends to -lle and plural to -ille

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωλλε = to the  Apple (fi:Omenalle)

Μιλωιλλε = to the Apples (fi:Omenille)


Essive explains being something.

Singular essive ends to -na and plural to -ina

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωvα = as  Apple (fi:Omenana)

Μιλωvιvα = as Apples (fi:Omenina)


Exessive explains changing of something, ending being something.

singular exessive ends to -nt and plural to -nta

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωvτ = ends being as  Apple (fi:lopettaa olemisen Omenana)

Μιλωvτα = ends being  as Apples (fi:lopettaa olemisen Omenina)


Trasnlative explains becoming/transformation to something.

Singular translative ends to -ksi and plural to -iksi

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωξι = transformes to  Apple (fi:Omenaksi)

Μιλωιξι = transformes to Apples (fi:Omeniksi)


Abessive explains missing of something.

Singular abessive ends to -tta & plural to -itta.

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωττα = without Apple (fi:Omenatta)

Μιλωιττα = without Apples (fi:Omenitta)


Expresses way, how the action is formed.

singular instruktive ends to -le & plural to -nin

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωλε = with Apple 

Μιλωvιv = with Apples (fi:Omenin)


Explains with what?

Singular komitative ends to -ne & plural with ine

Example: Apple (Μιλω)

Μιλωvε = with Apple (fi:Omene) 

Μιλωιvε = with Apples (fi:Omenine)


Adverbs representing time & place end to -ä, Adverbs representing manner end to -sti & Adverbs representing amount end either to -on or to -an.

Most common Adverbs are:

  • representing time – eilä (yesterday)todä (today), avriä (tomorrow), semperä (allways), iamä (joskus), harvä (rarely), idiä (en:allready/fi:jo), yhä (still)
  • representing place  – upä (up), avaä (down), udä (out), aviä (from outside), udnä (outside).
  • representing manner – various -sti-ending words: kitosti (nopeasti, quick), akasti (kamalasti, awfully), zorgesti (varovasti, carefully).
  • representing amount – leton (big amount), letan(little amount) (allways -on after big/huge amount, and -an after small/minimal amount.)



When you want to say and in Nyclon you just add -que, in the end of second word.  

Example: You and Me = Yut menque



  • abi - back to somewhere
  • adi - far from something
  • afi - to Somewhere
  • agi - Therefore
  • aghi - Moreover
  • ahi - Close to Something
  • aji - down
  • adzi - up
  • aki - little
  • akhi - alot
  • ali - apart
  • ami - together
  • ani - ago (tunti sitten)
  • angi - tommorrow
  • anji - mitä
  • api -  Again
  • aphi - jo
  • aqi
  • ari
  • asi
  • aszi
  • atchi
  • ati - over/Seriously/really
  • avi
  • axi
  • azi
  • adgi


The formation of the comparative is, in principle, easy as it entails adding -impi to the inflecting stem (i.e., the genitive stem) of a noun, pronoun or verb.

Example Translated into Nyclonese
Röd|ing Röd|impi Röde|in
Olding Oldimpi Oldin
Tiring Tirimpi Tirin
Avaing Avaimpi Avain
Savaing Savaimpi Savain
Table of inflected comparative forms
(word crazy=kras) Singular Plural
Nominative krasimpi krasimat
Genitive krasiman krasimpien
Partitive krasimpaa krasimpia
Accusative krasimani krasimanit
Inessive krasimassa krasimissa
Elative krasimasta krasimista
Illative krasimpaan krasimpiin
Adessive krasimala krasimila
Ablative krasimalt krasimilt
Allative krasimale krasimile
Abessive krasimatta krasimittä
Essive krasimpana krasimpina
Translative krasixi krasimaxi
Comitative krasimpine
Instructive krasimmin