MicroNations Fandom

The purpose of this page is to list warning templates and their proper usage. Remember, the way the templates look may change.

Deletion templates

To be used accordingly with the deletion policy.

Common deletion

{{Deletion|reason=article does not meet content policy criteria}}

To be used when nominating an article not managed by the user.

Speedy deletion

Nominated for Speedy Deletion
This article, MicroNations Fandom:Content policy/Warning templates, has been marked for speedy deletion by one or more users. The reasons for this nomination can be found on the article or project's discussion page. If you believe this article should or should not be deleted, please present your views on that page to help the community decide whether or not the article warrants deletion. If no reasons for this nomination have been given within 60 minutes of this template being added to a page, the page owner may remove this template.


To be used when nominating an article not managed by the user for deletion with reason being pure vandalism, be sure to include reason on the talk page.

Manager deletion

{{DeleteAuthor|reason='''personal information'''}}

To be used when nominating an article managed by the user for deletion. This request may not always be accepted.

Sysop deletion

{{Template:DeletionAdmin/Example|reason='''for poor quality, no improvement in months'''}}

Only to be used by the administration, misusing the template by an user can result in a temporary block.

Seven-days deletion


Not to be used under most circumstances, only sysops can use this under special pre-agreed circumstances, such as The Purge.

Improvement templates

To notify the user that the page needs improvement according to the Wiki's policies.


{{Improve2|reason=Important article|date=~~~~|importance=2}}

To be used when nominating an article not managed by the marking user for improvement. This template has the same meaning and function as Template:Cleanup and Template:Improve.

  • Importance levels
    • 1 - High
    • 2 - Medium
    • 3 - Low

Articles with high importance should have higher priority than medium priority and vice versa.



To mark an article which is a dead end, meaning the article links to no other articles.



To mark an article which is a dead end, meaning the article links to no other articles.


Pen paper
Copy editing
This article, MicroNations Fandom:Content policy/Warning templates, may require copy-editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone or spelling. You can assist by editing it or checking the [[Talk:MicroNations Fandom:Content policy/Warning templates|discussion page]] to see what needs to be done.

To mark an article managed by the user, requesting assistance with improvement. The template itself is a relic from the old community, when the MicroProject CopyEdit was active.
