MicroNations Fandom


Official Flag of Coalton


The Principality of Coalton was originally established on December 18th, 2015. Founded in the valleys in Eastern Oklahoma the land is still laid out with major coal deposits although mostly obsolete can still be used. Currently the Principality is under the direct control of the State of Oklahoma and the Federal US Government. The land is all owned by the royal family currently around 1.2 km2. The land has residential infrastructure with a couple business just outside the territory. The town of Coalton itself is not yet part of the official territory but is considered to be that of the Principality's. The Principality has claim over 2.88 km2

In 2017 the royal family was burdened with the loss of the prince's grandmother in turn October 27th is a national holiday in memorial to her. 


The government is headed by the current patriarch of the family, It will be passed down to his eldest child upon his abdication or death. While the Prince is the head of state, the Cabinet is comprised of 7 members, each representing a family within the territory. Nobles make up the 28 of the 73 total population. Each represented family heads a ministry department. These seven include: Treasury, Defense, Diplomacy, Education, Health, Justice, Immigration. Non-Nobles hold the ministries of Transport, Agriculture, Land Zoning, Housing, and Trade. 

Parliament meets twice a month to discuss laws and revisions to determined laws. As of now we follow the laws set in place by the US Constitution and the State of Oklahoma.  


The Population is divided into three sections. 19 residents live within the owned territory, 45 live within the unowned yet claimed territory while the other 9 are nobles living outside any claimed lands of the Principality.
