MicroNations Fandom

Cette amusantum est, comment tu est? Cette Llonkréyolum parlumi est, ego tum esperi, que ego bonum est. Tu ego dires, si tu ego comprendi aves. --Parlum Payum Populum et Guillaume Sœrgèl 19:27, October 26, 2009 (UTC)

Here is my guess at what you have wrote to me: "That is amusing, what you are. This Llonkréyol is spoken, I to you hope, that is good. If you can read this (?), you are able to comprehend." Please, Guillame, is this correct, or is the whole of this wrong? Regards, --HRI James II 19:47, October 26, 2009 (UTC)

You can translate and read it very well, however somethings were off. "This is for fun; how are you? This is for Llonkréyol speakers, I hope that you're good. Tell me if you comprehend [understand]. --Parlum Payum Populum et Guillaume Sœrgèl 20:35, October 26, 2009 (UTC)

Well, thank you for the message. I am very well, except for an ingrowing toenail in my foot. I send my best to you and Sandus, regards, --HRI James II 20:38, October 26, 2009 (UTC)
